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All the information you need to get started in Minecraft for the first time.

Getting Started

Thank you very much for being part of our Minecraft for parents tutorial. Before going through our online training realm, we would like to make sure you can run the game on your computer.

Thank you and happy crafting,


Step 1

Please navigate to

and click login on the top right.


Login using your registered email and password with Mojang. This is the one you signed up with when purchasing the game.

Step 2

Once you have logged in click on the Download icon on the top left that looks like a grass/dirt block from the game. This will take you to the download page. Please select the appropriate download link depending on what type of system you have, Windows, Mac, etc.

Step 3

After the program has downloaded, please run it to install Minecraft. This may take up to 10 minutes. Once installation is complete, click ‘play’ on the homescreen. If it prompts you to login again, simply use the credentials from step 1. This will take you to the Minecraft game title screen. You should see several options such as Single Player, Multiplayer, Realms, Options, Quit Game. At this point, please go ahead and click ‘Quit Game’ for now.

Step 4

Now, go back to the Home page. After browsing the homepage, please click on ‘Biomes’ to get started with our 60 minute course. In addition to the course, there will be a pre and post survey that we would like you to fill out. All instructions will be provided on the ‘Biomes’ page.

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