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Forest Biome

The forest biome is one of the most common biomes in Minecraft, and it holds some useful resources for players. Most obvious is the abundance of trees, which can be harvested for wood. However, this also makes the biome dangerous, as they lower a player's visibility, making it more difficult to spot hostile mobs. Most passive animal species can be found in a forest biome, as well as flowers, mushrooms, and grass.   -Minecraft Wiki

Your mission:

  • LetÊ»s Punch Trees (Collect items)

  • Look at inventory--What’s a hot bar?

  • What is Crafting? - Beginner Crafting

Terms to Learn

Inventory: Limited storage for all your items you can carry on your person.

HotBar: Located on the bottom of your player screen, the HotBar contains items for quick use.

Crafting: Manipulating items and natural resources to create tools and other artifacts for game play.

Crafting Table: Block that is used to combine items or resources to wield other items.


Video Tutorial:


Now that we know how to navigate the world, itÊ»s time to start gathering some resources to start crafting! On the bottom of your screen, you might see a bar similar to the image below. This is called your “Hotbar” and is designed to hold items for quick use. You can access the items in your Hotbar by either scrolling through the items using a mouse scroll wheel or by selecting a number that correlates to the Hotbar box. For example, to select the Stone Pickaxe, I can press the number “5” on my keyboard.


You might notice that even after your Hotbar is full, you will still be collecting items. This is because you have another storage area called your Inventory. You can access your inventory by pressing “E” on your keyboard.

To move things from your Hotbar to your inventory, right click on the item you want to move and vice versa.



After punching a few trees and collecting wood, you might be wondering what you can do with these items? We will be doing a little thing called Crafting. There are two ways to craft items in Minecraft: (1) Using the crafting area in your inventory and (2) using a Crafting Table.


The difference between these two crafting methods is that through your inventory you have a limited amount of things your are able to craft, one of which is a Crafting table. Crafting within your inventory, you are able to craft using a 2x2 block to yield crafted items, while through a Crafting table, there is a 3x3 block for crafting. Donʻt know what to craft with the items you have? The green book in the crafting area reveals a bunch of recipes utilizing the materials you have in your inventory.

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