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Ocean Biome

Ocean biomes contain wide expanses of water, which could have islands scattered throughout. It is not uncommon for Caves and Ravines to exist beneath the surface. It is also possible for part of an ocean to freeze over, if it borders a snowy biome, like the taiga or ice plains.

Deep oceans are where Ocean Monuments will spawn, making them the natural habitat of guardians and elder guardians.  -Minecraft Wiki

Your mission:

  • Learn to Mine 

  • Collecting resources and identification (Coal and Iron)

  • Proper tool use

  • Placing Blocks for building

  • Mob Identification

Terms to Learn

Mining: Essential to collecting natural materials in Survival Mode within Minecraft. Also known as digging.

Mobs: Any living creature in the game range from passive (chickens, pigs, horses) to hostile (spiders, creepers, witches).


Video Tutorial:


You've crafted some items and tools so now itÊ»s time to mine! Minecraft is built on the premise of digging to uncover natural resources like coal, iron, and cobblestone to more rare items like redstone,  gold and diamonds. Similarly, you can craft stronger tools, weapons and armor using these types of materials you gather. Additionally, you can mine materials to build structures as well.


Sometimes you have to use the right tool for the job. Many items, for example, need specific tools to be collected! For example, to collect iron, you need a stone pickaxe as a wooden one would not do. Similarly, to collect rare items you would need to use an iron pickaxe to collect gold, redstone, etc.


Lastly, and the most important rule for mining is to NOT DIG STRAIGHT DOWN! You donʻt know what lies below!



By now, youÊ»ve probably encountered a few animals and hopefully not a monster or two! In Minecraft,  any living creature is identified as a Mob. These mobs have several different classifications and different levels of potential harm. These classes are: Utility, Passive, Neutral, Hostile, and Boss.

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